第39代アメリカ合衆国大統領で、人権活動家として精力的に活動してきたJimmy Carter (ジミーカーター)のプレゼンです。大統領退任後の積極的な外交活動でノーベル平和賞を受賞したカーターは、女性への虐待が人権問題の最も重要な課題だと語ります。プレゼンの一部は抜粋・翻訳しています。動画は記事の下から見られます。
プレゼン抜粋と翻訳: ジミー・カーターが語るホワイトハウスを去ってからのキャリアについて
As a matter of fact, I was trying to think about my career since I left the White House, and the best example I have is a cartoon in The New Yorker a couple of years ago. This little boy is looking up at his father, and he says, “Daddy, when I grow up, I want to be a former president.”Well, I have had a great blessing as a former president, because I have had an access that very few other people in the world have ever had to get to know so many people around this whole universe. Not only am I familiar with the 50 states in the United States, but also my wife and I have visited more than 145 countries in the world, and the Carter Center has had full-time programs in 80 nations on Earth. And a lot of times, when we go into a country, we not only the meet the king or the president, but we also meet the villagers who live in the most remote areas of Africa.
実を言うと、ホワイトハウスを去ってからの私のキャリアについて考えようと試みていました。私の手持ちにある中で、私のキャリアを最も端的に表しているのは数年前にThe New Yorkerに掲載された漫画です。その小さな男の子がお父さんを見上げて言います。「パパ、僕大きくなったら、元大統領になりたいんだ」。
great blessing : 天の恵み; 何よりだ
villager : 村人
remote area : 僻地、遠隔地
So our overall commitment at the Carter Center is to promote human rights, and knowing the world as I do, I can tell you without any equivocation that the number one abuse of human rights on Earth is, strangely, not addressed quite often, is the abuse of women and girls.
human rights: 人権
equivocation : あいまいな言葉
※without equivocationで包み隠さずという意味になります。
プレゼン抜粋と翻訳: アメリカで女性への不遇が存在する理由
There’s one more basic cause that I need not mention, and that is that in general, men don’t give a damn. That’s true. The average man that might say, I’m against the abuse of women and girls quietly accepts the privileged position that we occupy, and this is very similar to what I knew when I was a child,when separate but equal had existed. Racial discrimination, legally, had existed for 100 years, from 1865 at the end of the War Between the States, the Civil War, all the way up to the 1960s, when Lyndon Johnson got the bills passed for equal rights. But during that time, there were many white people that didn’t think that racial discrimination was okay, but they stayed quiet, because they enjoyed the privileges of better jobs, unique access to jury duty, better schools, and everything else, and that’s the same thing that exists today, because the average man really doesn’t care.
私が言及する必要も無い、もう一つの原因があります。(訳者注: 女性の不遇の原因のことです)
don’t give a damn : 気にもかけない、屁とも思わない
separate but equal : 分離すれど平等
the Civil War : 南北戦争
racial discrimination : 人種差別