TEDの英語プレゼンでリスニング: Do we see reality as it is?

TED英語プレゼンでリスニング リスニング
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認知科学者のDonald Hoffmanは、人は現実をありのままには見ていないと主張します。ビール瓶を雌と勘違いして絶滅しかかった虫の例を挙げ、生物が世界をどう捉えているのかを語ります。世界の見方が変わる動画です。英語プレゼンの一部は翻訳し、訳立つ英語表現は抜粋しています。動画は記事の下から見られます。

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Now, Huxley knew that brain activity
and conscious experiences are correlated, but he didn’t know why. To the science of his day, it was a mystery. In the years since Huxley, science has learned a lot about brain activity, but the relationship between brain activity and conscious experiences is still a mystery. Why? Why have we made so little progress? Well, some experts think that we can’t solve this problem because we lack the necessary concepts and intelligence. We don’t expect monkeys to solve problems in quantum mechanics, and as it happens, we can’t expect our species to solve this problem either. Well, I disagree. I’m more optimistic. I think we’ve simply made a false assumption. Once we fix it, we just might solve this problem.



conscious experience: 意識体験

be correlated: 関連づいた、相関した

quantum mechanics: 量子力学

optimistic: 楽観的な

false assumption: 誤った仮定


We have misinterpreted our perceptions before.
We used to think the Earth is flat, because it looks that way. Pythagorus discovered that we were wrong. Then we thought that the Earth is the unmoving center of the Universe, again because it looks that way. Copernicus and Galileo discovered, again, that we were wrong.



misinterpret: 誤って解釈する


The Australian jewel beetle
is dimpled, glossy and brown. The female is flightless. The male flies, looking, of course, for a hot female. When he finds one, he alights and mates. There’s another species in the outback, Homo sapiens. The male of this species has a massive brain that he uses to hunt for cold beer. And when he finds one, he drains it, and sometimes throws the bottle into the outback. Now, as it happens, these bottles are dimpled, glossy, and just the right shade of brown to tickle the fancy of these beetles. The males swarm all over the bottles trying to mate. They lose all interest in the real females. Classic case of the male leaving the female for the bottle.  The species almost went extinct. Australia had to change its bottles to save its beetles.  Now, the males had successfully found females for thousands, perhaps millions of years. It looked like they saw reality as it is, but apparently not. Evolution had given them a hack. A female is anything dimpled, glossy and brown,the bigger the better. Even when crawling all over the bottle, the male couldn’t discover his mistake.



dimpled: くぼみのある

glossy: 光沢のある

alight: 降りて~にとどまる

mate: (動物が)交尾する

outback: 奥地

swarm: 群がる 


Now, this is a bit stunning.
How can it be that not seeing the world accurately gives us a survival advantage? That is a bit counterintuitive. But remember the jewel beetle. The jewel beetle survived for thousands, perhaps millions of years, using simple tricks and hacks. What the equations of evolution are telling us is that all organisms, including us, are in the same boat as the jewel beetle. We do not see reality as it is. We’re shaped with tricks and hacks that keep us alive.



survival advantage: 生存優位性

counterintuitive: 直感に反する、反直感的な

equation: 同一視すること

organism: 生物

in the same boat: 同じ境遇にある、同じ運命にある


We’re inclined to think that perception is like a window on reality as it is.
The theory of evolution is telling us that this is an incorrect interpretation of our perceptions. Instead, reality is more like a 3D desktopthat’s designed to hide the complexity of the real world and guide adaptive behavior. Space as you perceive it is your desktop. Physical objects are just the icons in that desktop.



be inclined to: ~しがちである





