
TEDの英語プレゼンでリスニングの勉強 リスニング
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アメリカの子供が大人になる過程では、大学か刑務所がその道しるべになっているとAlice Goffmanは語ります。発音が明瞭で聞き取りやすいプレゼンです。Aliceの英語プレゼンを見てリスニング力をアップさせましょう。英語プレゼンの一部は翻訳してあり、役に立つ英語表現も記事内に書いたので、参考にしてもらえれば幸いです。

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On the path that American children travel to adulthood,
two institutions oversee the journey. The first is the one we hear a lot about: college. Some of you may remember the excitement that you felt when you first set off for college. Some of you may be in college right now and you’re feeling this excitement at this very moment.



adulthood:  成人期、成人であること、成熟

oversee: 監督する

at this very moment: 今この瞬間

Today I want to talk about the second institution
overseeing the journey from childhood to adulthood in the United States. And that institution is prison. Young people on this journey are meeting with probation officers instead of with teachers. They’re going to court dates instead of to class. Their junior year abroad is instead a trip to a state correctional facility. And they’re emerging from their 20s not with degrees in business and English, but with criminal records.



probation officer: 保護司、保護観察官

junior year abroad: 学部短期留学

correction facility: 教化施設

criminal record: 前科

In my sophomore year, I started tutoring a young woman who was in high school
who lived about 10 minutes away from the university. Soon, her cousin came home from a juvenile detention center. He was 15, a freshman in high school. I began to get to know him and his friends and family, and I asked him what he thought about me writing about his life for my senior thesis in college. This senior thesis became a dissertation at Princeton and now a book.



sophomore: (四年制大学、高校の)2年生

tutor: 家庭教師をする
※ 名詞として「家庭教師」の意味でも使われます。

juvenile detention center: 少年鑑別所

freshman: (四年生大学、高校の)1年生

senior thesis: 卒業論文

dissertation: 博士論文

I want you to imagine for a second
what Chuck and Tim’s lives would be like if they were living in a neighborhood where kids were going to college, not prison. A neighborhood like the one I got to grow up in. Okay, you might say. But Chuck and Tim, kids like them, they’re committing crimes! Don’t they deserve to be in prison? Don’t they deserve to be living in fear of arrest? Well, my answer would be no.They don’t. 



for a second: 少しの間

deserve: 価値がある、値する

We tend to think about justice in a pretty narrow way:
good and bad, innocent and guilty. Injustice is about being wrongfully convicted. So if you’re convicted of something you did do, you should be punished for it. There are innocent and guilty people, there are victims and there are perpetratorsMaybe we could think a little bit more broadly than that.



tend to: ~しがちである

innocent: 無実の

guilty: 有罪の

innocent: 無実の

victim: 犠牲者

perpetrator: 加害者

I want to end with a call to young people, the young people attending college and the young people struggling to stay out of prison or to make it through prison and return home. It may seem like these paths to adulthood are worlds apart, but the young people participating in these two institutions conveying us to adulthood, they have one thing in common: Both can be leaders in the work of reforming our criminal justice system.




end with: ~で終える

call to: ~への呼びかけ

stay out of: (場所に)入らないようにする

make through: (場所から)何とか出る

worlds apart: 非常に違って、かけ離れて



